The Demo Site

The Demo Site you are about to enter is a representation of a branded company store that would host your companies approved printed and branded products. It has several options and can be customized to meet your needs. From a powerful web-based site to manage all your static and/or customizable items to the ability to control and organize your stores digital assets critical to the marketing of products and services, MyPrintStream can meet your online needs.

Username: DemoSite
Password: MyPrintStream Storefront Demo
• Customer Specific Categories
• Credit Card or Approved Bill To Options
• Multiple User Shipping, Billing and Contacts Address Options
• Personalized URL or PURL Capabilities
• Asset Management for digital assets critical to marketing of products and services
• Online Customization and PDF Proofing
• Inventory Management and Reporting

A MyPrintStream website is a cost-effective, branded portal that can manage the global production and fulfillment of a wide range of marketing materials from a central location, giving as much control over content as possible. Whether items are printed on demand, pre-printed and fulfilled from inventory, or not printed at all (apparel), they can be centrally ordered, managed, fulfilled and distributed from a single, easy-to-use, secure branded web portal.

Provided by
PowerOne Print & Marketing

P.O. Box 216
532 W. Maket Street
Perkasie, PA 18944

P: 888-217-7466
F: 267-429-0380